

The College provides some supported places by way of a bursary for families who would like their daughter/son to attend the College but would struggle to pay the fees.

We strive to provide a place for students who can demonstrate commitment to the College’s mission and vision and passionately pursue excellence.

We offer a limited number of bursaries for prospective students entering Years 7, 9 and 11 who would otherwise be unable to attend the College.

This bursary is by way of a contribution to the payment of school fees. This support is dependent on the bursary application and available funds.

Please note that a bursary applies to fees and not to levies.

Bursaries may be available for up to 6 years. As financial circumstances may change, there is a requirement for the bursary to be reviewed during the second year of assistance.

Criteria and Information

  • Academic performance, sporting talents, performing arts talents and community involvements will be used to select successful applicants. The bursary is an amount paid towards the tuition fee for the applicable year.
  • Priority is given to children who are baptised Catholic, who may be attending a Catholic school and whose parents are actively involved in a parish community.
  • The bursary amount will be expended from available funds in the Saint Ignatius College Geelong Bursary Trust.
  • Final approval for bursary support will be based on an outcome of an interview with the Principal at which the parent(s)/guardian(s) will also be present
  • The names of successful applicants remain confidential.


Contact the College registrar via email: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au for an application form