


To help develop the whole person and, in particular, to pursue our mission to produce leaders, Debating is an important part of Saint Ignatius College’s co-curricular program. As Jesuit William J. Byron, SJ. explains,

Even in this “age of the image” and in the boundary less world of cyberspace, the Jesuit high school student meets schoolmasters and activity moderators every day who impress upon their charges the importance of the spoken and written word. Using words well on paper or aloud is a special goal of Jesuit education. If education of leaders (Jesuit schools are clear about having that as a mission) is to be effective, it begins with an acknowledgment that the world moves on words and numbers. Literacy and numeracy belong in the tool kit of the leader”

Excerpt from Jesuit Saturdays: Sharing the Ignatian Spirit with Friends and Colleagues 

by William J. Byron, SJ.

This year Saint Ignatius students will continue to be involved in the Debaters Association of Victoria Competition in both the senior and junior divisions. Skills gained through being part of the debating team include the ability to work within a group, problem solving, independent learning and of course the ability to speak in a public domain.

Our students look to develop:

  • Commitment towards enhancing the role of debating at Saint Ignatius College.
  • Growing confidence within the area of debating.
  • Excellence within the area of public speaking.
  • Dedication towards debating preparation throughout the year.