Ethos and Identity

Ethos and Identity

Saint Ignatius College is a Catholic community that is learning-centred and supportive in the
Ignatian tradition. The College is committed to the education of the whole person and the development
of young adults of competence, conscience and compassion who will be of service in the community.

We strive to recognise God’s presence in all things, to celebrate the pursuit of personal excellence and
to live with hope and respect for all creation.

The Ethos and Identity of the College, that is, its Catholic, Jesuit and Ignatian Ethos and Identity is an integral element of the College’s identity. The work of the College’s Ethos and Identity Team includes an involvement in the development and implementation of the mission statement of the College; ensuring there is a strong commitment to the ethos of the College throughout the school community;
and providing support for the canonical administrators, principal and staff in their work of developing the spiritual and intellectual life of our students.

The Ethos and Identity Team have developed a framework that provides detailed information in regards to all aspects of the Ethos and
Identity of the College, including the Guiding Principles, the Ethos and Identity Team, and the Programs that operate in this sphere at Saint Ignatius College Geelong. This document will become a central location for all Ethos and Identity information and be accessible to students, parents and staff. Furthermore, this document will be revised annually by the Ethos and Identity Team to ensure its relevance and compatibility with the changing needs of the Saint Ignatius College community.

A PDF of our Ethos and Identity Framework can be download here.