Jesuit Educational Philosophy

Jesuit Educational Philosophy

Since the launch of their first school in 1548, the Jesuits have believed that a high quality education is the best path to meaningful lives of leadership and service.

Jesuits have understood that the liberal arts, the natural and social sciences, and the performing arts, linked with all other branches of knowledge, are a powerful means of developing leaders with the potential to influence and transform society.

The Jesuit Education Ministry includes Jesuit owned and operated schools, university colleges and chaplaincies, affiliated lgnatian schools, and the intellectual apostolate.

A Jesuit education has a clear purpose: the development of a well-rounded Christian person of competence, conscience and compassion who will be of service in the world and has the generosity to make a contribution.

Historically, Jesuit education has been successful across many cultures because it has adapted to the environment of the learner. Today Jesuit education continues to embrace change in appropriate ways, ensuring that a Jesuit education meets the needs of modern day learners, and develops learners who themselves will strive to contribute meaningfully and to excel.