Kokoda Expedition

Kokoda Expedition

Years 10 and 11 students travel to Papua New Guinea to complete the Kokoda Trek. 

Accompanied by a parent, and supported by Australian Kokoda Tours, the students will learn about the history of the infamous battle between Japanese and Australian forces in World War II.

The group will stay on the track in huts or tents and pass through local villages each day. The trek involves cutting across ridges, walking up steep towering mountains and descending deep into the rainforest and jungles of ferns. They will pass through mountain streams on manmade bridges of vine and logs. At the end of the day, the students and parents will be warmly welcomed into the untouched villages for a delicious meal prepared by the porters. 

Students will have the chance to connect with the Menari community by partaking in numerous activities such as visiting a local primary school, learning how to build a stretcher, playing with young PNG children and also playing volleyball and touch rugby with their porters.

Every student comes back changed from this meaningful experience. They will witness firsthand what our diggers did and the memories and sense of achievement will stay with you for a lifetime.

The Kokoda Expedition is held in the last week of Term 2 and the first week of the holidays.