Religious Education Year 11

Religious Education Year 11

Year 11

VCE: It is compulsory to study Religion & Society during Year 11.

What is Religion and Society Units1-4

Religions are defined as those forms of belief and practice through human beings express their sense of ultimate reality. Such beliefs and practices form an important part of human experience and this experience is both individual and collective. Religious communities are formed and traditions of belief and practice developed. This study proposes that religions can be understood in a general way as meaning systems that have eight interrelated aspects through which the religious tradition is studied.

VCAL: Students in the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning pathway at Saint Ignatius College will take part in a School-based Religious Education program that will enable them to continue this study into the School-based Religious Education program that is offered at the Year 12 level.

Students in this Senior School Pathway will have their eye on their future as they embark on learning more about the world of work. The College sees that it is important that students revisit Ignatian principles and values of Competence, Compassion & Conscience in order to discover how they can be applied in the workplace and life settings.

Over the course of the year students will be:

  • Offered opportunity to revisit prior understanding of Catholic teaching
  • Challenged to reflect on what they believe and value, in the light of Ignatian spirituality
  • Encouraged to consider where they are going in life and how they can contribute to society and indeed, the world as men and women of service.

As part of their work in the Personal Development Strand, students will undertake programs that involve Community Service. During Religious Education classes, students will investigate the reasons for taking part Community Service and how as students in a Jesuit-partner College, they can relate their work to the teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.