The Examen

The Examen

From the time he was wounded at Pamplona, lgnatius carefully noted the movements of God’s spirit in his life and his response to them. These thoughts of Ignatius, seeking God, were to become the Spiritual Exercises.

They are the story of his spiritual journey and religious experience. The spirituality of the Spiritual Exercises continues to transform the lives of women and men, Religious and lay, who desire greater freedom to give and receive love more generously.

The Saint Ignatius College Examen

Every Friday at 9.00am all of the College community stops and we pray The Examen

This prayer helps us become more aware of God’s presence in our life. During this prayer we reflect upon our experiences over the past day or week and ask for the Grace to be able to recognise God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus in these experiences. This prayer can become a central element in the life of any busy person, helping us to find God in our ordinary, everyday activities.


All students, teachers and staff of the college are now invited to pause for a short time and pray The Examen together. We pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.



As I look over the past week I appreciate my life and all the blessings I enjoy and I thank God for these. I recall joyful moments, beauty found in creation or people or myself, and I am thankful for these gifts. I may take one simple event from the past day or week and remember the good feelings it brought me and take a moment here to express thanks for this experience. I give thanks.



As I approach a review of my day I ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit to help me better understand myself and those around me. I ask for the wisdom and insight to see myself more clearly and in doing so I find answers to questions that may arise including why do I act the way I do? How can I change? How can I be more for others?



Every day God is calling me to share in peace, love and happiness with myself and those around me. At this point in the Examen I ask myself how have I carried myself this past week? As I review my actions, words and thoughts I am especially mindful of the times I walked closely with God.



What is it that I need to forgive myself or others for? What do I need to let go of? At this point I turn to Jesus on the cross and ask for forgiveness. What or whom do I need to reconcile with in my life?



Finally as I look to tomorrow, I do so with the knowledge that I can ask for God’s help and Grace at any time. How can I change the parts of my life I have reflected on during this prayer. What decisions can I make today that will affect who I am tomorrow? How can I be better for others today and tomorrow?


We offer these contemplations in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Saint Ignatius: Pray for us.