Year 9 Curriculum

Year 9 Curriculum

Striving for excellence through learning that matters

Year 9 is the first opportunity that students at Saint Ignatius College are given choice to select three electives each semester to include in their learning program for that year.

The curriculum in place at Year 9 begins to explore individual areas of student interest and potential specialisation that may form the basis of ongoing learning in Years 10, 11 and/or 12. It represents the commencement of the Pathways Stage within the Victorian curriculum prior to more specific and deliberate specialisation in the final two years of secondary schooling.

Compulsory studies in the requisite learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health and Physical Education and Religious Education make up approximately seventy percent of the time allocation and are the subjects that commonly prepare students for the transition to learning pathways beyond Year 9. The emphasis for Year Nine is to continue to build strong foundations through these core subjects.

A broad range of electives, account for thirty percent of the time allocation and provide an alternative experience of learning to the core subjects. These elective offerings, in turn, are drawn from the Arts/Humanities Maths/Technology, Health and Science fields of study.