06 May 2021

Community Notice Board

Community Notice Board

Local Community and Sporting groups you may be interested in.

Reconciliation in the Park 2021

More than a word Reconciliation takes action. This event will be held on Sunday May 30th, 10am to 3pm in Johnstone Park Geelong.

See the attached flyer for details of the event.

Headspace Geelong Free Webinar: Supporting Young People During COVID-19

Wednesday May 26th from 7pm-8.15pm

Click here to register or visit headspace.org.au/geelong

Key points covered:

  • Signs and symptoms of poor mental health to look out for in your young person
  • Skills and strategies to support the mental health and wellbeing of your young person
  • Build awareness of supports available to young people
  • Brought to you by headspace National together with headspace Geelong

See the PDF below for more details

Regional Parenting Service: Upcoming Free Parenting Forum

The Regional Parenting Service is running a Free Parenting Forum on Wednesday June 23rd called 'The Teen Brain'.

Presented by David Gillespie, one of Australia's most trusted non-fiction authors, who will detail how complicated a teenage brain is and discuss how to set out clear, reasonable and effective rules to help confidently manage your child's use of screens at a critical point in their lives.

Please see attached PDF for booking details.

Lifeboat Geelong: Combined Catholic Parishes Raffle

This year Lifeboat Geelong, a non-profit organisation that supports survivors of Church and Institutional abuse, is again participating in the Combined Catholic Parishes Raffle. The current diminished church attendance due to COVID-19 lockdowns has meant fewer parishes are involved this year, but the prize pool still has a value of $40,000.

1st Prize:
Suzuki Balena Hatchback
2nd Prize:
$5000 gift voucher
3rd Prize:
$2000 gift voucher
4th - 6th Prizes:
$1000 each gift voucher
7th - 20th Prizes:
$500 each gift voucher

Tickets are just $2, and every ticket sold generates $1.50 for the work of Lifeboat.

Any family that is willing to sell a book of 10 tickets please contact Cath on 0439 199 400 or cath@lifeboatgeelong.com.au

Parent Education Events - Geelong Region: Term 2 2021

All Regional Parenting Services programs are free and will be offered face to face or online via Zoom, however, bookings are essential.

To book visit www.geelongaustralia.com.au/parenting or call us on 5272 4781.

There are a number of events planned for Term 2. Please see attached flyer for details:

