Also in this Edition

St Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader - Matilda Stepto - College Captain

Article by Matilda Stepto | College Captain

St Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader - Matilda Stepto - College Captain

I am honoured to be writing this as one of the 2023 College Captains and I am very grateful to be working alongside co-captain Ross and vice captains Amy and Zac. We would like to welcome everyone to Saint Ignatius College for 2023. We especially welcome the Year 7s, new students and their families to the College Community as well as new staff members. We hope you all have had a wonderful start to the school year.

2023 is going to be a great year and we are incredibly excited to share it with you all.

We encourage you all to put your hand up and embrace the many opportunities throughout the year in the arts, academics, sporting, social justice, and more, to build new connections and immerse yourself in new experiences.

Regardless of whether you are beginning your first year, last year, or somewhere in between, know that the more you try new opportunities and work hard you will be able to gain so much from your time at Saint Ignatius College.

If you see myself, Ross, Amy or Zac around at school please come and say hi we would love to get to know as many of you as possible.

We wish you all the best of luck for your endeavours in 2023 and hope you all have a great year.

Matilda Stepto | College Captain

