06 October 2022

R U OK? Day

Article by From the Student Wellbeing Team (Sarah, Michael, Liv and Nicky)

R U OK? Day

Thursday 8th September saw the annual ‘R U OK? Day’ come and go here at Saint Ignatius College and around the nation. In response to one family’s heartbreaking tragedy, and founded back in 2009, R U OK? is a “harm prevention charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives.”

Honouring the fundamental R U OK? concepts of care, compassion and connection, themes explored by staff and students during last Tuesday’s Mentor Time included understanding what it’s like to not only hear, but actively and reflectively listen; how to recognise and take charge over positive and negative self-talk (because not only can we ask others RUOK?, but we can ask ourselves too); and how effective and mindful self care strategies might be engaged when life invariably throws its challenging curveballs our way.

Considering that the average person hears between 20,000 and 30,000 words over the course of a 24 hour period, it’s perhaps not surprising that we might miss the anguished words of friends and loved ones telling us that they are distressed and struggling. Filtering out what’s not important and tuning in to what really matters can be much easier said than done. Learning to not only hear but authentically listen to others, remembering to remain alert and check in with our friends and loved ones, picking up on signs that they might be struggling, can be not only powerful and life changing but life saving. It’s worth it.

On a lighter but no less powerful note, the Saint Ignatius annual RUOK Day staff/student dodgeball event was, as always, a big hit…with some hits apparently packing more of a punch than others! The high energy on-court rivalry left at least some of our brave Wellbeing Team taking a couple of days to recover! Look out students, staff will be upping their game for next year! Bring it!

Cracking cipher codes, racing around secret locations on campus and ultimately revealing the mystery sentence was the lunchtime RUOK Day Treasure Hunt challenge taken up by our Year 7 and 8 students. Participants energetically engaged, with four super speedy winners ultimately taking out the highly sought-after major prize of CHOCOLATE!

Last but by no means least, a HUGE shout out to the awesome and talented culinary artists who treated us all to some amazing R U OK? Day cookies…who doesn’t love chocolate and choc chip cookies?! They were definitely more than OK…they were delicious! Is it OK to say we’re already looking forward to next year’s R U OK? Day cookies?

From the Student Wellbeing Team (Sarah, Michael, Liv and Nicky)

(1 https://www.ruok.org.au/what-were-about).

