06 October 2022

VCE Leadership Award News

Article by Mr. Brown

VCE Leadership Award News

The 2022 VCE Leadership Awards are coordinated by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) to recognise VCE students for their leadership, initiative and involvement in extra-curricular and community activities.

The 2022 VCE Leadership Awards Ceremony was held in Melbourne on Friday 16 September. Toby Mew, 12 Garnett, was recognised for his leadership skills and his contributions to our College and the wider community. From a selection of VCE students from the state Toby was able to make it to the final 8 students who were recognised at the ceremony. Toby addressed the gathered crowd and spoke about his involvement in the Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education (FIRE) carrier program and his work in initiatives supporting gender equality, asylum seekers and the promotion of the wider College community.

Toby was accompanied to the ceremony by Mr. Pannuzzo and Mr. Brown along with his parents Linda and Stephen. While Toby was not the winner overall, we are very proud of his achievements and the recognition that he has received.

Mr. Brown | VCE Coordinator

