Saint Ignatius College Geelong
Dear Parents & Carers,
Co-curriculum programs
At Saint Ignatius College, we provide a broad range of co-curricular opportunities for our students. Co-curricular refers to the activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement the academic curriculum. For example, sports and performing arts, to mention a couple of areas. We expect our students to participate in such activities where they can.
Our co-curricular program provides opportunities for valuable informal learning, development of skills, challenging themselves, making new friends and building relationships, strengthening a sense of belonging and connection and building school spirit. Research indicates that participation in co-curricular activities is linked to positive academic outcomes, such as students’ achievements and educational aspirations, improved attendance, pro-social behaviours, and more positive development generally. We aim to develop the whole person, and learning and achievement naturally follow when the whole school experience is engaging and positive.
Two co-curricular activities have recently featured – the House Swimming Carnival and the auditions for the College Production of “Les Miserables.”
As you are aware, on Friday, 14th February, we held the Annual House Swimming Carnival at the North Bellarine Aquatic Centre on a lovely summer’s day. Overall, the feedback has been very positive. I congratulate all the students who participated, and I was impressed by the friendly, enthusiastic, and positive behaviour displayed by the students. I was also very pleased by the number of students who competed voluntarily. Many senior students demonstrated commendable leadership and were a great help on the day. As in previous years, many students swam exceptionally well and will go on to represent the College at the GISSA inter-school level.
Congratulations to Xavier House on winning the House Shield!
The overall results were as follows:
1st Xavier 931
2nd MacKillop 809
3rd Glowrey 718
4th Ricci 638
Thank you to our Sports Coordinator, Mr Andrew Philp, for organising and running the carnival.
Auditions have commenced for the biennial musical. The production team currently has a massive task ahead with the auditions. It is fantastic that a large number of students have signed up, and I commend them for stepping forward. Hopefully, most will be allocated a part and get involved. While it is a positive position to be in, I don’t envy the team’s task of selecting students for the major roles, given the many talented students vying for a spot. We look forward to the performances in late August at the College’s Companion Centre and to seeing and hearing our students shine on stage. Thank you to our Staff Production Team for their work to provide this wonderful opportunity for our students.
Open Afternoon
Last Monday, we held our first of two “Open Afternoons.” This event was fully booked.
Many students volunteered to assist with the guided tours during the Open Afternoon. They were fantastic ambassadors for their College. I’m sure our visitors were impressed by their enthusiasm, helpfulness, and demeanour.
Our next open afternoon is scheduled for Thursday, 1st May. Please visit our website for the times and information on how to book a visit.
Year 7 2026 enrolment applications close on Friday 9th May 2025. This closing date also applies if a sibling is already enrolled at the College.
If you know any parents thinking about secondary schooling for their children, please encourage them to organise a visit or apply for enrolment.
Next Wednesday, we begin the Lenten season in the Church's liturgical calendar with the observance of ‘Ash Wednesday.’ Lent is a period of forty days leading up to the peak of the Church’s year, Easter. During Lent, we are invited to reflect on our lives in light of Jesus' example. How are we travelling in our faith life? How can we enhance our spiritual journey and our relationship with God? What about our prayer life, involvement in worship and praise, charity, and service to others? We are encouraged to use Lent as a special time to reflect on and adjust our lives where needed, so we better align our actions with the values, principles, and truths of the Gospel.
On Ash Wednesday, we will hold our usual morning liturgy, which includes the distribution of ashes. Each student will receive the Sign of the Cross marked in ashes on their forehead as part of this prayerful liturgy, serving as a reminder to ‘Repent and believe in the Good News.”
Ash Wednesday marks the start of our efforts as a college community to raise awareness and essential funds for CARITAS through “Project Compassion.' These funds assist many disadvantaged and needy communities both in Australia and abroad.
Road Safety
All drivers travelling to and from our College are reminded of the need to adhere to traffic sign requirements at all times.
To promote safety, I remind our community that the speed limit on Peninsula Drive is 40 km/h (at all times.)
When attending after-hours events at the College, please do not park in the St Thomas Primary School carpark.
Thank you for your support in prioritising the road safety of all those in and around the College.
International Women’s Day (IWD) community event
For many years, our Community Engagement & Development Team has organised an annual social and inspiring evening to celebrate IWD. This wonderful event is open to the College and the wider communities and typically sells out. Tickets are selling fast, so please consider joining us. Click on this link for further information, including booking details.
Our Keynote speaker is Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert.
The program for the evening is:
5:30 pm - Canapes & Refreshments
6:30 pm - Keynote Speaker
7:45 pm – Conclusion
School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council (the Council) convened last week for its first meeting of the year. The Council consists of highly committed and enthusiastic men and women who support the governance and management of the College, for which we are very grateful. The Council offers valuable advice to the College Executive.
2025 School Advisory Council members:
Ms Jo-Anne Britt (Chairperson)
Ms Fran Kealey (Joint Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Kerry Sidaway (Joint Deputy Chairperson)
Fr Jim Clarke (President of Canonical Administrators)
Fr Gerard Healy SJ (Jesuit representative)
Fr Linh Pham (Parish Priest)
Prof. Marie Emmitt (Emeritus Professor, ACU)
Ms Casey Buttler (Parent representative)
Ms Deb Schroer (Parent representative)
Ms Carmen Ahearn (Deputy Principal - Faith & Mission)
Ms Marina Brown (Deputy Principal - Operations & Co-curriculum)
Ms Bernadette Donnelly (Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching)
Mr Michael Exton (Principal)
Ms Leanne Quinten (Business Manager)
Mr Michael Timms (Deputy Principal - Students)
Ms Kim Abbott (Council Secretary)
Public Holiday
Finally, a reminder that Monday, 10th March 2025, is a public holiday in Victoria, and the College will be closed.
Best wishes for the next fortnight,
Michael Exton | Principal
Article by Mr. Michael Exton | Principal
Dear Parents & Carers,
Co-curriculum programs
At Saint Ignatius College, we provide a broad range of co-curricular opportunities for our students. Co-curricular refers to the activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement the academic curriculum. For example, sports and performing arts, to mention a couple of areas. We expect our students to participate in such activities where they can.
Our co-curricular program provides opportunities for valuable informal learning, development of skills, challenging themselves, making new friends and building relationships, strengthening a sense of belonging and connection and building school spirit. Research indicates that participation in co-curricular activities is linked to positive academic outcomes, such as students’ achievements and educational aspirations, improved attendance, pro-social behaviours, and more positive development generally. We aim to develop the whole person, and learning and achievement naturally follow when the whole school experience is engaging and positive.
Two co-curricular activities have recently featured – the House Swimming Carnival and the auditions for the College Production of “Les Miserables.”
As you are aware, on Friday, 14th February, we held the Annual House Swimming Carnival at the North Bellarine Aquatic Centre on a lovely summer’s day. Overall, the feedback has been very positive. I congratulate all the students who participated, and I was impressed by the friendly, enthusiastic, and positive behaviour displayed by the students. I was also very pleased by the number of students who competed voluntarily. Many senior students demonstrated commendable leadership and were a great help on the day. As in previous years, many students swam exceptionally well and will go on to represent the College at the GISSA inter-school level.
Congratulations to Xavier House on winning the House Shield!
The overall results were as follows:
1st Xavier 931
2nd MacKillop 809
3rd Glowrey 718
4th Ricci 638
Thank you to our Sports Coordinator, Mr Andrew Philp, for organising and running the carnival.
Auditions have commenced for the biennial musical. The production team currently has a massive task ahead with the auditions. It is fantastic that a large number of students have signed up, and I commend them for stepping forward. Hopefully, most will be allocated a part and get involved. While it is a positive position to be in, I don’t envy the team’s task of selecting students for the major roles, given the many talented students vying for a spot. We look forward to the performances in late August at the College’s Companion Centre and to seeing and hearing our students shine on stage. Thank you to our Staff Production Team for their work to provide this wonderful opportunity for our students.
Open Afternoon
Last Monday, we held our first of two “Open Afternoons.” This event was fully booked.
Many students volunteered to assist with the guided tours during the Open Afternoon. They were fantastic ambassadors for their College. I’m sure our visitors were impressed by their enthusiasm, helpfulness, and demeanour.
Our next open afternoon is scheduled for Thursday, 1st May. Please visit our website for the times and information on how to book a visit.
Year 7 2026 enrolment applications close on Friday 9th May 2025. This closing date also applies if a sibling is already enrolled at the College.
If you know any parents thinking about secondary schooling for their children, please encourage them to organise a visit or apply for enrolment.
Next Wednesday, we begin the Lenten season in the Church's liturgical calendar with the observance of ‘Ash Wednesday.’ Lent is a period of forty days leading up to the peak of the Church’s year, Easter. During Lent, we are invited to reflect on our lives in light of Jesus' example. How are we travelling in our faith life? How can we enhance our spiritual journey and our relationship with God? What about our prayer life, involvement in worship and praise, charity, and service to others? We are encouraged to use Lent as a special time to reflect on and adjust our lives where needed, so we better align our actions with the values, principles, and truths of the Gospel.
On Ash Wednesday, we will hold our usual morning liturgy, which includes the distribution of ashes. Each student will receive the Sign of the Cross marked in ashes on their forehead as part of this prayerful liturgy, serving as a reminder to ‘Repent and believe in the Good News.”
Ash Wednesday marks the start of our efforts as a college community to raise awareness and essential funds for CARITAS through “Project Compassion.' These funds assist many disadvantaged and needy communities both in Australia and abroad.
Road Safety
All drivers travelling to and from our College are reminded of the need to adhere to traffic sign requirements at all times.
To promote safety, I remind our community that the speed limit on Peninsula Drive is 40 km/h (at all times.)
When attending after-hours events at the College, please do not park in the St Thomas Primary School carpark.
Thank you for your support in prioritising the road safety of all those in and around the College.
International Women’s Day (IWD) community event
For many years, our Community Engagement & Development Team has organised an annual social and inspiring evening to celebrate IWD. This wonderful event is open to the College and the wider communities and typically sells out. Tickets are selling fast, so please consider joining us. Click on this link for further information, including booking details.
Our Keynote speaker is Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert.
The program for the evening is:
5:30 pm - Canapes & Refreshments
6:30 pm - Keynote Speaker
7:45 pm – Conclusion
School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council (the Council) convened last week for its first meeting of the year. The Council consists of highly committed and enthusiastic men and women who support the governance and management of the College, for which we are very grateful. The Council offers valuable advice to the College Executive.
2025 School Advisory Council members:
Ms Jo-Anne Britt (Chairperson)
Ms Fran Kealey (Joint Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Kerry Sidaway (Joint Deputy Chairperson)
Fr Jim Clarke (President of Canonical Administrators)
Fr Gerard Healy SJ (Jesuit representative)
Fr Linh Pham (Parish Priest)
Prof. Marie Emmitt (Emeritus Professor, ACU)
Ms Casey Buttler (Parent representative)
Ms Deb Schroer (Parent representative)
Ms Carmen Ahearn (Deputy Principal - Faith & Mission)
Ms Marina Brown (Deputy Principal - Operations & Co-curriculum)
Ms Bernadette Donnelly (Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching)
Mr Michael Exton (Principal)
Ms Leanne Quinten (Business Manager)
Mr Michael Timms (Deputy Principal - Students)
Ms Kim Abbott (Council Secretary)
Public Holiday
Finally, a reminder that Monday, 10th March 2025, is a public holiday in Victoria, and the College will be closed.
Best wishes for the next fortnight,
Michael Exton | Principal