14 June 2024

From the Principal

Article by Mr. Michael Exton | Principal

From the Principal

Dear Parents & Carers,

With two weeks remaining of this eleven-week term, I draw your attention to the following dates.

Thursday, 27th June 2024 – Final day of classes for the term.

(Friday, June 28, 2024, will be a Teacher Professional Practice Day.)

Tuesday, 16th July 2024 – First day of classes for term three.

(Monday 15th July 2024 will be a Teacher Professional Learning Day.)

Semester One Reports

Semester One Reports will be available early next Term. These are summative reports that indicate overall results for the semester. More detailed information about student progress can be found by accessing assessment feedback through our online Learning Management System ‘Canvas.’ If you haven’t already accessed Canvas, your daughter or son should be able to show you how to do this.

Except for VCE Unit 3 & Vocational Major subjects, there are no formal Parent-Teacher interviews scheduled to follow up on these reports; however, you are most welcome, and I encourage you, to please make contact with any subject teachers regarding academic concerns or the Mentor teacher if there are any pastoral concerns. Please email the teacher to organise a time for a meeting.

Years 9 – 12 Semester One Examinations

With Semester 1 (terms 1 & 2) almost complete, we are about to commence a busy assessment period. Can I suggest that parents/carers check in with their daughter or son and check on their level of organisation to support them and encourage good habits that will help them manage this challenging time?

Our Years 9 – 12 students will have many assessments due, and in particular, they will have examinations as follows:

Week 10: Tuesday, June 18: The GAT (all day) for all VCE students undertaking Unit 3 & 4 subjects.

Week 10: Thursday June 20 Year 10/11 exams commence

Week 11: Tuesday June 25 Year 9 Exams commence

Week 11: Thursday June 27 Exams conclude

Year 9 Revision Program commences next week (Week 10)

To better prepare our Year 9 students for their first experience of formal exams, we are introducing a planned revision period in the lead-up to their exams. This will commence on Thursday 20th June and run for three days. During this time, students will undertake set revision and review lessons and activities according to a structured timetable, under the guidance of their subject teachers. This new structure will ensure students receive comprehensive preparation, including targeted revision, reinforcement, and exam practice, aligning with senior-level expectations in core subjects. The revision program will focus on building confidence, promoting consistency, targeting support, encouraging accountability, and preparing for future success.

Year 7 & 8 Belonging Week (Week 11)

Another new initiative to better support our students is the introduction of the “Belonging Week” program during the last week of this term. This program builds on the “Connected Week” program we ran during the first week of the semester at the beginning of the year. In alignment with our School Improvement Plan, it will play a crucial role in fostering a sense of connection, belonging, and community among students and staff. The program will serve as a platform to build relationships, promote inclusivity, and enhance the overall educational experience for everyone involved.

No usual timetabled classes will run during this week, but a bespoke program has been developed that will be facilitated by Year 7 and 8 teachers and other staff during the final week of the term. It will be a great way for our students to complete their Semester One learning journey and share their achievements.

Subject selections for 2025

In early Term three, students from Years 8 to 11 will choose their elective subjects for the upcoming year. It's crucial to discuss with your child their strengths, interests, and future plans, and revisit the topic periodically. You can use their Semester One reports as a starting point for this conversation. For year nine students, the Morrisby Testing Program results will also provide an excellent starting point for discussions about your daughter or son’s senior school pathway. I know many Year 9 parents have already discussed the information arising from this program with their daughter or son.

The Careers Panel and Expo evening held at the College on Monday, 27 May, was very well attended by families. Alumni students and representatives from the Tertiary institutions provided valuable career and course information. This was another very helpful way of opening up conversations that would help inform subject selections.

Principal leave

I will be away during term three on Enrichment Leave. I will return on the first day of Term Four. I am grateful to my colleagues who will cover my absence. Deputy Principal Mr Michael Timms will be the Acting Principal. In order to facilitate this, the following changes to our leadership positions have been made:

Change in Leadership position for Term 3, 2024


Michael Timms

Acting Principal

Michael Exton

Kirsty Allan
Acting Deputy Principal (Students)

Michael Timms

Kristin Williamson
Acting Director of Senior School

Kirsty Allan

Amanda Da Riva
Acting Head of House (Ricci)

Kristin Williamson

Nicole Sadler
Acting Learning Area Leader (Religious Education)

Amanda Da Riva

School Review update

As I mentioned in the newsletter earlier this year, 2024 is our school review year. Term Two has been a busy time for the review process, with the two independent reviewers spending three days at the College.

The first day involved checking that the College was compliant with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and state and federal government requirements. I am pleased that we have met the compliance requirements and, as a result, will have our school registration renewed.

On the second and third days, the reviewers met with a cross-section of College community members, including students, parents, staff, school advisory council members, and two parish priests, to discuss the College’s performance. Thank you to everyone who was able to provide feedback to the reviewers.

The next phase of the review will involve the reviewers presenting the findings of their analysis of the College’s performance over the last four years to the College Executive. We will then use their findings to inform the development of our school improvement plan for the next four years.

I will keep you updated about our progress through the newsletter.

Best wishes for the next fortnight,

Michael Exton


