19 December 2023

Also in this Edition

End of Year Letter 2023

Article by Michael Exton | Principal

End of Year Letter 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,

As we conclude another busy and exciting year at Saint Ignatius College Geelong, I thank Parents and Carers for your support throughout 2023.

As we bid farewell to our graduating students, we hold them in our prayers and thoughts.

We trust that Saint Ignatius College Geelong has equipped them with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to thrive in their chosen paths. We look forward to seeing them succeed as confident young individuals.

Looking ahead, we are excited to welcome new staff, students, and families to our College in the coming year. We are committed to guiding our students through their formative years in secondary education, and we look forward to working with students and their families in 2024. 

Some important dates are:

  • College office closes Wednesday 20th December
  • College office re-opens Thursday 18th January
  • Teachers commence Monday 29th January
  • Yrs 7 & 12 students commence Thursday 1st February
  • Yrs 8-11 students commence Friday 2nd February
  • College Mass Friday 2nd February (11am) College MPC
  • College Academic Assembly Monday 5th February (9am) College MPC

In the meantime, I wish you and your family a joyous Christmas and a happy and safe time over the summer holidays.

Best wishes

Michael Exton


