26 August 2021

Faith Matters - What's your diving style?

Article by Mr Brendan Nicholls

Faith Matters - What's your diving style?

As we find ourselves in lockdown again we are reminded of how good ‘normal’ life is and how nourishing being with others is. During this period we can draw much profit spiritually though. Reflecting upon your prayer and lived faith practices can help you become more aware of what brings the greatest benefit and also offers you the challenge of trying something new.

With the Olympics continuing throughout this period of lockdown, via the Paralympics, let us take some time to celebrate participation and achievement spiritually via a sporting analogy.

Your faith life might be reflected upon well by considering the different forms of diving people participate in as an allegory to your prayer and faith life. Consider each of the following and determine which best describes your faith life and what you could explore by applying other aspects to your prayer life and lived faith.

The Mexican Cliff Diver

A person who has great courage and faith in God. These divers are outrageously extroverted outwardly but are in fact very private and humble in themselves; don’t let looks deceive you. They rely on their own judgement for sure but they leap into the water believing that all will be well – and it always is! These divers inspire us to be more public in our faith and although we never seem to be able to jump off the cliff edge as they do, they motivate us to be a bold.

The Olympian

A person who is at the peak of their sport is spectacular to watch. These divers are amazing! Their lower scored dives are better than anything we could hope to achieve. Their dedication is the key to their success although their obsession can be a little off putting. The gold medallists know that their hard work is only part of the story, there is a transcendent element to their success. These divers inspire us to live our faith with commitment and become more than we currently are. We are encouraged to live with more commitment or consistency so that we may be able to achieve what for them is simple.

The Scuba Diver

These divers are social and vibrant. They travel far and wide to see and explore new things. Some have goals they would like to achieve, others just like being part of the group. Most of these divers are seasonal and make the most of the good weather and require an enormous amount of equipment to achieve their goal. Many people’s faith lives mirror these divers. The positive found in this reality is that we are supported in our faith, and make use of the structures and communities to help deepen our faith even if the consistency required to become an expert is lacking.

The Skin Diver

These divers are goal oriented. They have a goal and when they dive they are committed to achieving it. Whether they seek lobster or spear fish for tuna they are rarely distracted and ultimately achieve their objective. These divers require a little more equipment to be successful. They inspire us to enter into formation programs or prayer communities with a goal in mind. The focus they demonstrate helps us settle upon a goal rather than constantly starting the next new thing.

The Free Diver

These divers go as deep as they can. Unassisted and with complete self-control they seek to push the limits. Their constant training and the small community they are part of makes their achievements difficult to observe. This is the most dangerous form of diving, and although surrounded by others, simply forgetting to breath can ruin everything. These divers motivate us to enter more deeply into our relationship with God. Although they may seem insular once you enter their world they will do anything that can to enable you.

The Basilisk Lizards (The St Peter Lizards)

Although technically not a diver, or human for that matter, these creatures are magical. They literally walk on water! Although they don’t technically even enter the water they do what seems impossible. They remind us that only with complete faith, courage and constant practice can we have the courage to “step out into the deep”. They inspire us to be like them, true disciples, that have faith in Jesus and in doing so encounter him tangibly. Of course, once we are out on the water we may lose courage and sink a little but Jesus will pull us up and help us offer the miraculous to the world.

As we journey through another period of lockdown take some time over the next week to review your prayer and faith life. Which type of diver best describes you and which type or types of divers challenge you and inspire or challenge you to do things a little differently?

If nothing else I hope the above inspires you to turn the TV on and cheer for the Paralympians who have overcome so many challenges and show us what it is to be courageous and live a life that is full.

Yours in Christ,

Brendan Nicholls  Liturgy Coordinator

