18 July 2019

Learning & Teaching Update

Article by Mrs Annette Chidzey

Learning & Teaching Update

Semester 1 Reports

As indicated in the Principal’s comments, Semester 1 reports for all students in Years 7 to 12 will be accessible via the parent portal from 9am Tuesday July 23rd. These reports are intended to provide individual feedback on student progress and skill development across the semester. They will also help to inform 2020 subject selection for students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 that will be undertaken this term.

AGAT Testing

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will undertake online testing during Personal Learning classes this week. These tests generated by Australian Council for Educational Research [ACER] provide useful information related to students’ reasoning skills in three key areas, namely verbal, numerical and abstract(visual) reasoning. Ms. Karen Perkins, Acting Learning Enhancement Co-ordinator and Mrs. Gemma Tolan, Acting Personal Learning Coordinator are assisting students and teachers to complete these tests. The tests are 45 minutes in length and the data obtained will assist, among other matters, in more informed choices for subject selection and ongoing learning pathways within the College.

2020 Subject Selection

The 2020 subject selection process is undertaken this term. Subject information booklets that will be published online are currently being prepared. Learning Area Leaders and specific Year Level Coordinators with students involved in making selections assist in this process as does our VCE Coordinator, Mr. Brown, our VCAL Coordinator, Ms. Allan and our Work and Further Education [WAFE] Coordinator, Mr. Bruce Connor. This process is an exciting time for students and parents and guardians as we continue to work together to develop meaningful learning pathways across the College.

This year, there will be a combined Years 9 and 10 Subject Information Expo on Wednesday August 7th to be held at the College. The intent of this Expo is to clarify implications of future subject selections at each respective level and to provide access to key staff who can provide specific input with regard to individual subjects and learning areas. More information will be provided to parents prior to the evening but for now we ask that this date be set aside to optimise student choices moving forward into 2020 and beyond.

Mrs. Annette Chidzey Deputy Principal [Learning and Teaching]

