20 May 2021

Remote and Flexible Learning

Article by Mr Michael Exton

Remote and Flexible Learning

As you are aware, following directions issued from Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, Victoria will enter a circuit breaker lockdown from 11:59pm tonight, Thursday 27 May to 11:59pm on Thursday 3 June 2021.

Under instruction from Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, all Catholic schools will transition to remote and flexible learning from Monday 31 May. To assist with preparing for this, Friday 28th May will be a student-free day for our College.

While it is expected that all students should be learning from home, schools have been asked to consider making supervision arrangements available at school for students in the following categories:

  • Children whose parents are considered essential workers, cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made
  • Vulnerable children, including children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm and children identified by the school as vulnerable (including via referral from a family violence agency, homelessness or youth justice service or mental health or other mental service.)

Information about the arrangements for this supervision and how to apply are provided in the letter sent to all Parents and Guardians here.

Please find below, “Remote and Flexible Learning – Information for Students and Parents,” that provides important information about our online learning program, including how parents can best support their daughter or son with remote and flexible learning. (This document, with some reminders, has been emailed to all students.)

The "Student Zoom Protocols" document can be downloaded here.

