30 July 2020

Supporting Each Other Wearing Face Masks

Article by Mr Michael Timms

Supporting Each Other Wearing Face Masks

Over the past week the state of Victoria has been under significant pressure in the fight against COVID-19. This has resulted in the Government enforcing the wearing of masks in the entire state of Victoria. The aim of the face mask is to provide an additional physical barrier to coronavirus and assist in slowing the spread of the virus.

In the present time it is important to take a proactive approach when trying to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within our local community. Currently a large number of our students and staff have taken this proactive approach by wearing face masks while at school. As a College we are committed to the safety of our staff and students, therefore, we have recently invested in reusable face masks for all our teaching and non - teaching staff at the school. By providing the face masks for our staff we are hopeful this demonstrates to the students the commitment we have in protecting each other and role models the appropriate behaviour.

Now that the Victorian Government has mandated masks to be worn in all areas within our state, all students are required to wear a face mask while travelling to and from school and while on the school grounds. This not only adds another layer of protection to themselves but also protects others.

A reminder please, if your daughter/son is feeling unwell please follow these directions:

• If your son or daughter is displaying any of the COVID-19 symptoms (see below) or flu-like symptoms they are not to attend school until they have been tested and received a negative result.

• If there is someone in the student’s household who is displaying COVID-19 symptoms or flu-like symptoms, that student is not to attend school until the family member has been tested and received a negative result.

    Finally, I have included two links below from Dr Brett Sutton and the DHHS on the importance and correct wearing of masks. I trust families will find this information helpful.

    Mr Michael Timms Deputy Principal [Students]


