19 July 2024

Social Justice Report

Article by Nicole Sadler | Social Justice Coordinator

Social Justice Report

Social Justice Refugee Week Wrap Up

The Cage

3 Guest Speakers

24 hours of detention

17 Students

3 visiting classes

24 hours of camaraderie

6 Teachers/ Mentors

58 random visitors

24 hours to reflect

“My experience of The Cage allowed me time to reflect upon how fortunate we are to live in the way we do. Basic necessities we take for granted are not available to many, especially within refugee camps, which allowed me to appreciate what these individuals go through. I was made aware of how important a sense of community is, and what a sense of purpose can do. Australian society, as it stands, can feel quite unwelcoming to strangers, with not many of us reaching out to those in need that are unfamiliar to us…” Brianna

“...The Cage has helped me understand the hardships [displaced people] face, especially when seeking refuge in a new country. It really showed me how hard it can be for people to make connections within their community especially if they are not native speakers. Not only this but seeing how hard it is for refugees to actively participate in their communities due to the fact that they are not Australian, or because they are not of the same ethnicity. The Cage has really been an intensive experience for me and has allowed me to understand the struggles and hardships that migrants have during their time in a new country and coming to a new country.” Tom

Ration Challenge

3-5 days of rations

25140 grams of rice eaten

25 participants

$4906.94 Raised for Act for Peace

“I’ve done this for the past 2 years and I love doing it to feel what it feels like to eat as a refugee and someone in a developing country. My grandma helps with cooking and she made me and my brother flatbread and it was one of the best things I’ve had doing the ration pack challenge. My goal is to not bail out during the 5 day challenge and I have not failed in the past but I was only doing the 3 day challenge. I vomited at the end every time I've done it but hopefully not this time. I ate mush with some stuff in it tasted fine. I lost 1.5 Kilos on the first 2 days but I’ve got the weight back.” Casey

“It is currently day 2 for me. I am finding it quite sad that over 100 million people have to eat like this daily if they even eat. On Sunday I looked through the recipe book and found some good ideas, like flat bread. I am very thankful for the organisation that started this because without them I wouldn't be doing this challenge and spreading awareness.” Ruby C

“This experience has really opened my eyes to the struggles of refugees around the world. I am ever more grateful for the fact that I have a ready supply of food, and haven't been displaced from my own home.” Lewis

Silent Protest

144 information cards handed out

24 volunteers

Total = 194 silent hours

24 voices for the voiceless

