19 July 2024

2025 Subject Pathway Selection

Article by Bernadette Donnelly | Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching.

2025 Subject Pathway Selection

It is an exciting time for our students who commence the process of considering subjects and pathways for 2025. At Saint Ignatius College, we offer a range of subjects to cater for the diverse interests of our students. Our 2025 Subject Pathways course on Canvas serves as a central hub for all subject-related resources, including important dates and Year Level Subject Information Booklets. Whether it's browsing through elective choices, understanding prerequisites, or seeking guidance, Canvas is your go-to platform.

Senior Pathways Information Evening

To further support our students and their families, we invite Year 9 and 10 students, along with their parents/carers, to participate in our virtual Senior Pathways Information Evening. This event, scheduled for Monday, July 22, from 6:00pm to 7:45pm, is an excellent opportunity to gain insights into the available subject options and pathways for the senior years. An additional Information Session for Year 10 students and families on the VCE Vocational Major will also be held on Tuesday, 23 July at 7:00pm.The Zoom links to join both of these events can be found on the Canvas 2025 Subject Pathways page.

Click to view Senior Pathways Invite

Year 9 and 10 Subject Selection and Pathway Interviews

Current Year 9 and 10 students will also be involved in Subject Pathway Interviews throughout the day on Wednesday 7 August, by Zoom. Students will meet with an individual staff member on this day to discuss subject options. Parents are welcome to join the zoom meeting. Therefore, there will be no Year 9 or 10 classes onsite, but via Announcements. Further information will be sent to Year 9 and 10 families regarding this process over the approaching weeks.

Accelerated Studies

At ​​Saint Ignatius College, we offer students the opportunity to undertake selected accelerated studies. Accelerated studies are academically challenging and participation in an accelerated study is not automatic. Therefore, a student considering applying to study an accelerated subject must be able to demonstrate that they can cope with the workload, have sound organisational skills, have demonstrated excellence in their chosen Year 10 or 11 subject area, and that the accelerated study will not negatively impact on their Year 10 or 11 studies.

It is expected that any student considering applying to study an accelerated subject meets the following criteria:

  • An overall result of 80% or higher in the accelerated subject area studied in Semester One

  • An overall result of 75% or higher in all other subjects studied in Semester One

A high level of literacy is beneficial to a student studying an accelerated subject. A student who does not meet the criteria in Semester 1 may reapply at the end of Semester 2 but cannot be guaranteed a place.

Please note that all Accelerated Study Applications for Year 9 and 10 students are due strictly by Tuesday 30 July at 3:00pm, prior to the Subject Selection finishing dates. This year students will also make their application online. The online links are available on Canvas under Forms.

We encourage our students to engage in this process by accessing all the excellent information on Canvas, speaking with their teachers or recommended staff, and perhaps reflecting on what subjects they like or what they don’t enjoy. We wish them well in this process and we are here to guide them.

Bernadette Donnelly | Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching.

