19 July 2024

From the Principal

Article by Michael Timms | Acting College Principal

From the Principal

Welcome back to Term 3, we trust our students had a restful break and are excited about returning for the new semester. As we return to our school routines, we look forward to the many opportunities for learning, growth, and celebration that lie ahead. Our dedicated staff have been exceptionally busy planning a wide range of engaging and enriching activities, all designed to ensure that our students not only continue to thrive academically but also grow and develop personally.

Deputy Principal Announcement

As you may be aware the College recently advertised for two new Deputy Principal positions. This was due to the current Deputy Principal (Identity and Co-curriculum), Mr Paul Lewis, transitioning to retirement and Mr Joe McLean, Acting Deputy Principal (Staff and Operations) deciding not to continue in a deputy role from next year.

As a College we looked at the role descriptions and took the opportunity to slightly amend the positions to further align with the College’s School Improvement Plan. This resulted in the new portfolios of the Deputy Principal positions as:

● Faith and Mission

● Operations and Co-curriculum

I am excited to announce the two successful candidates for these roles are:

● Ms Carmen Ahearn (Faith and Mission); and

● Ms Marina Brown (Operations and Co-curriculum)

I congratulate Ms Ahearn and Ms Brown on their appointments and look forward to them both joining the College’s Executive Team in 2025. Please find attached to the newsletter article some detailed information that Ms Ahearn and Ms Brown have provided about themselves for the College Community.

Click here to learn about our two new Deputy Principals in 2025

In announcing these appointments, I also acknowledge that this will be Mr Lewis’ and Mr McLean’s final semester as Deputy Principals. I wish them both a rewarding and smooth finish-up to the year. We will express our gratitude and acknowledge their contribution later in the year.

During the holiday period, the College hosted a variety of activities and initiatives. These programs are designed to enhance the Catholic faith and social justice dimensions of our Ignatian identity, contributing significantly to the development of our young people.

Kairos Retreat

Accompanied by our Director of Ignatian Ethos and Identity, Mr Michael Tod, four of our Year 12 students attended Saint Ignatius’ College, Adelaide over the holidays and participated in their Kairos Retreat. A Kairos Retreat is a transformative spiritual retreat designed to help secondary school students deepen their faith, reflect on their personal relationships with God, and build stronger bonds with their peers. Originating from Jesuit traditions, this retreat emphasises self-discovery, personal reflection, and community building through a series of talks, group discussions, and individual contemplation. The students will use this experience as a learning opportunity to facilitate this program for the students of Saint Ignatius College Geelong in the future.

Cultura Refugee Program

Tuesday 9 July, Saint Ignatius College hosted the four other Geelong Catholic Secondary Colleges for the Cultura refugee program. The program provides activities and creates a space for our students to interact with newly arrived young people to show them and their families that they’re welcomed here in Geelong. Furthermore, such activities break down social isolation, creating connections and opportunities to form new friendships and connections to new places. Thank you to Ms Nicole Sadler, Justice Coordinator, for her organisation of the day and all staff and students who participated.

JACSA East Timor Immersion

Throughout the holidays we had two students, Isabel Gee and Stephanie Reynolds participate in the JACSA East Timor Immersion. The JACSA East Timor Immersion is an insightful and eye-opening experience that offers students the opportunity to engage deeply with the culture, history, and people of East Timor. Organised by the Jesuit and Companion Schools of Australia, this immersion program is designed to foster a sense of global citizenship and social justice. Participants immerse themselves in the local community, learning about the challenges and triumphs of the East Timorese people through direct interaction and service projects. This journey not only broadens students' perspectives but also cultivates empathy, solidarity, and a commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

Change of date

Please note that the Mass to celebrate Fr John McCarthy’s anniversary of 60 years since ordination has been moved to this Sunday 21st July (10:30 am) at Lumen Christi Church Leopold.

As we begin the new semester, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to every member of our school community. May this Term be filled with growth, discovery, and success for all. I am sure all of our students will embrace the opportunities ahead with enthusiasm and resilience, supporting one another every step of the way. Best of luck to everyone!

Michael Timms

Acting Principal

