11 October 2024

2025 Cape York Indigenous Immersions

Article by Regards, Attel Martschinke | SICG Intercultural Perspectives Coordinator

2025 Cape York Indigenous Immersions

We are very excited to offer Year 9 and Year 10 Saint Ignatius College students in 2025 the opportunity to attend the 2 x Cape York Indigenous Immersions offered during October 2025.

Next week, Tuesday 15th October, students will be presented with information and details from Red Earth Australia, our experience provider, on the two Immersions offered in 2025. During the last 8 years, over 300 Saint Ignatius College students have attended the annual Indigenous Immersions spending quality time on country with Traditional Owners and Community Elders learning and immersing themselves in Australian Indigenous Culture, Customs, Language and Traditions.

The students information session at school will be followed by a Parent Information presentation for Year 9 and Year 10 students in 2025 on Tuesday 15th October, at 6.00pm via Microsoft Teams. The link to attend this virtual presentation by Red Earth Australia is available via the QR Code on the poster invitation.

We look forward to seeing you then and sharing with you this unique opportunity for your son/daughter to be a part of this significant cultural experience.

Regards, Attel Martschinke | SICG Intercultural Perspectives Coordinator

