20 February 2024

National Youth Science Forum

Article by Ms Isje Turang-Timmins | Learning Area Leader Science

National Youth Science Forum

Last year the college was fortunate enough to have 2 of our talented Science students accepted into the National Youth Science Forum. Catherine Anderson and Tom Galan traveled to The Australian National University (ANU) Canberra in January to participate in this prestigious 10 day STEM focused event. Both of our students were supported by Victorian Rotary Clubs including our local club North Bellerine, we are grateful for their support. Below are the student accounts of the event and as a college we are excited for their anticipated participation in the field of STEM in the future.

Ms Isje Turang-Timmins | Learning Area Leader Science

Early January during the summer holiday, I had the privilege to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) in Canberra. Leading up to the event I felt quite daunted; going to a camp in another state with people from all over Australia on my own. In hindsight NYSF proved to be one of the best and most eye-opening experiences of my life proving without a doubt that it was worth it.

Our days were spent filled with a range of different activities; no one day was the same. From social events to other activities focusing on developing our STEM knowledge, NYSF had it all covered through their comprehensive program. Part of the program was being divided into interest groups where we had specialised visits designed to inspire us. My group was one of the engineering groups and we went to the Defence, Science, Technology Group (DTSG) and also the Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre in NSW. Together, these experiences showed me that there is a range of different pathways a career in engineering; from creating concepts or solutions to defence problems, to working with teams of other STEM professionals, to improving on existing energy complex to better fill the needs of Australians..

Another amazing event in NYSF was the Careers Day where STEM businesses, professionals and Universities came to talk to use about a future in STEM. Lockey-Martin, Australian Space Agency, CSIRO, DSTG, APCESM and much more were all present and sharing their vision for the future of STEM. This was an eye-opening experience as it showed me the many careers I could pick from in STEM; challenging my plans for my future career that I had thought foolproof.

Arguably, one of the best parts about NYSF was the people I met. I became fast friends with people who, otherwise, I might never have met and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to meet such amazing people.

NYSF was an incredible two weeks that I was so fortunate to attend; something made possible thanks to Ms Timmins and the generous funding provided by Rotary of Sandringham and also Bellarine North Rotary.

Catherine Anderson | 12 Slocombe

During the summer holidays I went over to ANU in Canberra for the National Youth Science Forum for 10 days, these 10 days were probably the most enjoyable and eye-opening experience I have had and been looking for. The Science forum is a science camp that allows for anyone with a passion in STEM, not only science, to explore what they are thinking of going into for a future career pathway or maybe as just a plan for university. I was lucky enough to be put in the astrophysics group which is not my exact science that I want to go into but it is very similar, however the places and lectures that I got to visit were very interesting and left me wanting more. I got to visit the Mt Stromlo Observatory, the ANU Nuclear physics and Particle accelerator department as well as learning cryptography and seeing the ADF Drone racing.

Throughout the 10 days I would have to say the lectures, CERN; this is the Large Hadron 8Collider in Switzerland, The Great Debate and the closing event - which held someone that had me immersed and listening without a care of what people thought about me. Not only this but the people who I met allowed me to explore my passion for science, mainly Quantum Physics and the quantum realm as a whole at a more indepth interest. The National Youth Science Forum allowed me to explore the realm of physics with an eager passion and has allowed me to keep in contact with the people who I met over there, who all have very similar interests to myself.

Thomas Galan | 12 Mac Nash

