28 February 2025

From the Deputy Principal – Faith & Mission

Article by Carmen Ahearn | Deputy Principal – Faith & Mission

From the Deputy Principal – Faith & Mission

As this edition of The Ignatian is shared, we ask families to keep Pope Francis in their thoughts and prayers. We pray that he finds healing, courage and strength as he battles illness. We are grateful that the leadership of Pope Francis has encouraged and celebrated the voices of young people. He doesn’t shy away from the realities of life in our current times: “the tragedy of war, social injustices, inequalities, hunger and the exploitation of human beings and the natural world”, but acknowledges young people who “pay the highest price” and face an uncertain future. This Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has united us as pilgrims of hope, setting us on a path beyond ourselves where we can thrive because we are hopeful and where we give hope to others. Pope Francis asks ‘the young’ and ‘the older’ to give “a smile, a warm gesture of friendship, a kind look, a ready ear, a good deed, in the knowing that, in the Spirit of Jesus, these can become, for those who receive, rich seeds of hope”. These words shared by Pope Francis are practical and easy to action. During this Jubilee Year of Hope, proclaimed by Pope Francis, we encourage families to consider how they might bring hope to others.

Tomorrow our young people have an opportunity to contribute to improving our world. Small actions like walking around with friends picking up some rubbish during the lunch break, makes a big difference to the world where we learn, teach and play. We commend the Environment Team who have instigated Schools Clean Up Day here at the College and thank all those who have signed up to get involved with caring for our environment.

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of the Lenten season. During Lent, which runs until Holy Thursday, we focus on three pillars.

Firstly, prayer: Lent is a time to reflect more deeply about our lives and where we are headed. Secondly, fasting: Lent is not just about giving something up, it can be about taking something up. It is during this time that we make some adjustment to our lives so that God can be more present. Please be aware that due to our Catholic tradition of fasting, meat will not be served at the Canteen on Ash Wednesday. Finally, almsgiving: Lent is a time to fundraise, in our case for Caritas, but also a time to build global awareness of humanitarian needs and the role that we can each play in advocating for a fairer and more just world. In aid of Caritas, our students and staff enjoyed wearing casual clothes this week and families have an opportunity to purchase hot cross buns.

Carmen Ahearn | Deputy Principal – Faith & Mission

