17 March 2025

Project Compassion

Project Compassion

Saint Ignatius College supports Caritas Project Compassion during our first term by fundraising and awareness raising.

SICG Caritas fund raising website: https://fundraise.projectcompassion.org.au/o/saint-ignatius-college-geelong-drysdale

There are three ways you can support Caritas this Lenten season (Term 1)

  1. Buy some Hot Cross Buns: try booking link: https://www.trybooking.com/CZAFT

All profits go to Caritas Project Compassion

  1. Year 7/8 Easter Hamper Raffle

Due date for 7/8 donations - no later than Tuesday 1st April.

Hamper winners will be drawn on the 4th April.

  • Bring a gold Coin and go in the draw to win an amazing Easter Hamper

  • Due date for gold coin - to the homeroom teachers by no later than Friday 28th March.

  1. Long Walk for Water: Do some walking each day during Lent and sign up on the Caritas website to pledge your donation.

