14 June 2024

Students Raise $14,650 to Empower Teenage Girls in Kenya

Article by Laura Taylor-Payne | MacKillop House Leader

Students Raise $14,650 to Empower Teenage Girls in Kenya

Students Raise $14,650 to Empower Teenage Girls in Kenya

In an inspiring demonstration of community spirit and dedication, MacKillop House has successfully raised $14,650 to send teenage girls in Kenya to high school. This significant achievement underscores our commitment to breaking the cycle of poverty through education, a value deeply rooted in the legacy of Mary MacKillop.

The Impact of Education

Education is a powerful tool in the fight against poverty. For many girls in Kenya, the opportunity to attend high school is a distant dream due to financial constraints. By providing these girls with the means to continue their education, we are giving them the chance to build a brighter future. Education not only opens doors to better job opportunities but also empowers individuals to make informed decisions, thereby improving their quality of life and that of their communities.

Mary MacKillop's Legacy

Mary MacKillop, our house’s namesake, was a fervent advocate for education, particularly for the underprivileged. She believed that education was a right, not a privilege, and dedicated her life to ensuring that children from impoverished backgrounds had access to quality schooling. Her values resonate with our mission, and this fundraising effort is a testament to her enduring influence.

The Journey to $14,650

Raising $14,650 was no small feat. It required months of planning, dedication, and hard work from the team especially House captains, Meg Swinton, Taj Don and Vice captains Grace Dowie and Tucker Kooloos. The centrepiece of our fundraising efforts was an incredibly successful trivia night. This event brought together parents, students, staff and the wider Saint Ignatius College Community in a lively evening of fun and competition. Teams battled it out over a series of challenging and entertaining questions, all in the spirit of charity and camaraderie. Many items were donated for the silent auction and the live auction which again instilled an element of fun competition.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors and donors that contributed to this night being successful.

A Team Effort

The success of our trivia night and the overall fundraising campaign was made possible by the incredible efforts of our MacKillop team and mentor teachers. From organising the event to soliciting donations, sponsorship and promoting ticket sales, every detail was meticulously handled by a group of dedicated individuals. Their passion and commitment were truly inspiring, and it was heartening to see our community come together for such a noble cause.

A Brighter Future

The funds raised will go directly towards covering tuition fees, uniforms, books, and other essential supplies for the girls. This support will enable them to pursue their education without the constant worry of financial barriers. By investing in their education, we are not just helping these girls but also contributing to the upliftment of entire communities.

Gratitude and Forward Movement

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated, donated, and supported this initiative. Your generosity and spirit of giving have made a tangible difference in the lives of these young women. As we move forward, let us continue to embody the values of Mary MacKillop, striving to create opportunities for the less fortunate and fostering a community built on compassion and support.

Together, we have proven that when a community unites with a shared purpose, remarkable things can happen.

Thank you for being part of this journey and for helping us make a lasting impact.

