Saint Ignatius College Geelong
Dear Parents & Carers,
Co-curriculum programs
At Saint Ignatius College, we provide a broad range of co-curricular opportunities for our students. Co-curricular refers to the activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement the academic curriculum. For example, sports and performing arts, to mention a couple of areas. We expect our students to participate in such activities where they can.
Our co-curricular program provides opportunities for valuable informal learning, development of skills, challenging themselves, making new friends and building relationships, strengthening a sense of belonging and connection and building school spirit. Research indicates that participation in co-curricular activities is linked to positive academic outcomes, such as students’ achievements and educational aspirations, improved attendance, pro-social behaviours, and more positive development generally. We aim to develop the whole person, and learning and achievement naturally follow when the whole school experience is engaging and positive.
Two co-curricular activities have recently featured – the House Swimming Carnival and the auditions for the College Production of “Les Miserables.”
As you are aware, on Friday, 14th February, we held the Annual House Swimming Carnival at the North Bellarine Aquatic Centre on a lovely summer’s day. Overall, the feedback has been very positive. I congratulate all the students who participated, and I was impressed by the friendly, enthusiastic, and positive behaviour displayed by the students. I was also very pleased by the number of students who competed voluntarily. Many senior students demonstrated commendable leadership and were a great help on the day. As in previous years, many students swam exceptionally well and will go on to represent the College at the GISSA inter-school level.
Congratulations to Xavier House on winning the House Shield!
The overall results were as follows:
1st Xavier 931
2nd MacKillop 809
3rd Glowrey 718
4th Ricci 638
Thank you to our Sports Coordinator, Mr Andrew Philp, for organising and running the carnival.
Auditions have commenced for the biennial musical. The production team currently has a massive task ahead with the auditions. It is fantastic that a large number of students have signed up, and I commend them for stepping forward. Hopefully, most will be allocated a part and get involved. While it is a positive position to be in, I don’t envy the team’s task of selecting students for the major roles, given the many talented students vying for a spot. We look forward to the performances in late August at the College’s Companion Centre and to seeing and hearing our students shine on stage. Thank you to our Staff Production Team for their work to provide this wonderful opportunity for our students.
Open Afternoon
Last Monday, we held our first of two “Open Afternoons.” This event was fully booked.
Many students volunteered to assist with the guided tours during the Open Afternoon. They were fantastic ambassadors for their College. I’m sure our visitors were impressed by their enthusiasm, helpfulness, and demeanour.
Our next open afternoon is scheduled for Thursday, 1st May. Please visit our website for the times and information on how to book a visit.
Year 7 2026 enrolment applications close on Friday 9th May 2025. This closing date also applies if a sibling is already enrolled at the College.
If you know any parents thinking about secondary schooling for their children, please encourage them to organise a visit or apply for enrolment.
Next Wednesday, we begin the Lenten season in the Church's liturgical calendar with the observance of ‘Ash Wednesday.’ Lent is a period of forty days leading up to the peak of the Church’s year, Easter. During Lent, we are invited to reflect on our lives in light of Jesus' example. How are we travelling in our faith life? How can we enhance our spiritual journey and our relationship with God? What about our prayer life, involvement in worship and praise, charity, and service to others? We are encouraged to use Lent as a special time to reflect on and adjust our lives where needed, so we better align our actions with the values, principles, and truths of the Gospel.
On Ash Wednesday, we will hold our usual morning liturgy, which includes the distribution of ashes. Each student will receive the Sign of the Cross marked in ashes on their forehead as part of this prayerful liturgy, serving as a reminder to ‘Repent and believe in the Good News.”
Ash Wednesday marks the start of our efforts as a college community to raise awareness and essential funds for CARITAS through “Project Compassion.' These funds assist many disadvantaged and needy communities both in Australia and abroad.
Road Safety
All drivers travelling to and from our College are reminded of the need to adhere to traffic sign requirements at all times.
To promote safety, I remind our community that the speed limit on Peninsula Drive is 40 km/h (at all times.)
When attending after-hours events at the College, please do not park in the St Thomas Primary School carpark.
Thank you for your support in prioritising the road safety of all those in and around the College.
International Women’s Day (IWD) community event
For many years, our Community Engagement & Development Team has organised an annual social and inspiring evening to celebrate IWD. This wonderful event is open to the College and the wider communities and typically sells out. Tickets are selling fast, so please consider joining us. Click on this link for further information, including booking details.
Our Keynote speaker is Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert.
The program for the evening is:
5:30 pm - Canapes & Refreshments
6:30 pm - Keynote Speaker
7:45 pm – Conclusion
School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council (the Council) convened last week for its first meeting of the year. The Council consists of highly committed and enthusiastic men and women who support the governance and management of the College, for which we are very grateful. The Council offers valuable advice to the College Executive.
2025 School Advisory Council members:
Ms Jo-Anne Britt (Chairperson)
Ms Fran Kealey (Joint Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Kerry Sidaway (Joint Deputy Chairperson)
Fr Jim Clarke (President of Canonical Administrators)
Fr Gerard Healy SJ (Jesuit representative)
Fr Linh Pham (Parish Priest)
Prof. Marie Emmitt (Emeritus Professor, ACU)
Ms Casey Buttler (Parent representative)
Ms Deb Schroer (Parent representative)
Ms Carmen Ahearn (Deputy Principal - Faith & Mission)
Ms Marina Brown (Deputy Principal - Operations & Co-curriculum)
Ms Bernadette Donnelly (Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching)
Mr Michael Exton (Principal)
Ms Leanne Quinten (Business Manager)
Mr Michael Timms (Deputy Principal - Students)
Ms Kim Abbott (Council Secretary)
Public Holiday
Finally, a reminder that Monday, 10th March 2025, is a public holiday in Victoria, and the College will be closed.
Best wishes for the next fortnight,
Michael Exton | Principal
As this edition of The Ignatian is shared, we ask families to keep Pope Francis in their thoughts and prayers. We pray that he finds healing, courage and strength as he battles illness. We are grateful that the leadership of Pope Francis has encouraged and celebrated the voices of young people. He doesn’t shy away from the realities of life in our current times: “the tragedy of war, social injustices, inequalities, hunger and the exploitation of human beings and the natural world”, but acknowledges young people who “pay the highest price” and face an uncertain future. This Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has united us as pilgrims of hope, setting us on a path beyond ourselves where we can thrive because we are hopeful and where we give hope to others. Pope Francis asks ‘the young’ and ‘the older’ to give “a smile, a warm gesture of friendship, a kind look, a ready ear, a good deed, in the knowing that, in the Spirit of Jesus, these can become, for those who receive, rich seeds of hope”. These words shared by Pope Francis are practical and easy to action. During this Jubilee Year of Hope, proclaimed by Pope Francis, we encourage families to consider how they might bring hope to others.
Tomorrow our young people have an opportunity to contribute to improving our world. Small actions like walking around with friends picking up some rubbish during the lunch break, makes a big difference to the world where we learn, teach and play. We commend the Environment Team who have instigated Schools Clean Up Day here at the College and thank all those who have signed up to get involved with caring for our environment.
Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of the Lenten season. During Lent, which runs until Holy Thursday, we focus on three pillars.
Firstly, prayer: Lent is a time to reflect more deeply about our lives and where we are headed. Secondly, fasting: Lent is not just about giving something up, it can be about taking something up. It is during this time that we make some adjustment to our lives so that God can be more present. Please be aware that due to our Catholic tradition of fasting, meat will not be served at the Canteen on Ash Wednesday. Finally, almsgiving: Lent is a time to fundraise, in our case for Caritas, but also a time to build global awareness of humanitarian needs and the role that we can each play in advocating for a fairer and more just world. In aid of Caritas, our students and staff enjoyed wearing casual clothes this week and families have an opportunity to purchase hot cross buns.
Carmen Ahearn | Deputy Principal – Faith & Mission
The Importance of Child Safety Officers at Saint Ignatius College, Geelong
At Saint Ignatius College the safety and well-being of our students are at the heart of everything we do. Ensuring a secure and supportive learning environment is a collective responsibility, but a key role in this effort is played by our dedicated Child Safety Officers (CSOs). These individuals are essential in promoting and upholding the highest standards of child safety across our College.
Why Child Safety Officers Are Essential
Child safety is not just about responding to incidents—it is about proactive prevention, education, and fostering a culture where students feel safe and supported. CSOs are crucial in ensuring that our College adheres to child protection policies, complies with legal requirements, and maintains an environment where students can thrive academically and personally. Their presence provides students, parents, and staff with confidence that child safety is a top priority.
The Role of Child Safety Officers
Our Child Safety Officers undertake a wide range of responsibilities, including:
Acting as a Point of Contact: CSOs serve as trusted figures for students who may need support or guidance regarding safety concerns.
Ensuring Compliance with Policies: They oversee the implementation of child protection policies and ensure that all staff adhere to safeguarding procedures.
Providing Training and Support: CSOs educate staff and students about child safety best practices, including recognising signs of harm and knowing how to respond appropriately.
Risk Assessment and Prevention: By identifying potential risks and taking proactive steps to address them, CSOs help maintain a safe school environment.
Supporting Students’ Well-being: They work closely with pastoral care teams, counsellors, and external agencies to provide the necessary support for students facing challenges.
Parents also play a vital role in supporting the efforts of our CSOs. Here’s how you can help:
Communicate Openly: Encourage your child to talk about their experiences at school and any concerns they may have.
Stay Informed: Familiarise yourself with the College’s child safety policies and attend parent information sessions.
Model Safe Behaviour: Teach your child about personal safety, boundaries, and respectful relationships.
Report Concerns: If you notice any potential safety issues, report them to the school or a CSO promptly.
Encourage Positive Relationships: Help foster an environment where children feel comfortable seeking help and speaking up about issues.
Participate in School Activities: Engage with the school community to strengthen the culture of safety and awareness.
At Saint Ignatius College we are committed to creating an environment where every student feels protected, supported, and valued. Our Child Safety Officers play a vital role in achieving this mission, but they cannot do it alone. By working together, we can ensure that our College remains a safe place for all students to learn and grow.
If you have any questions or concerns about child safety or need further guidance, please reach out to one of our Child Safety Officers. Let’s continue to prioritise student well-being and uphold our commitment to a secure educational environment.
Click here to view our 2025 SICG Child Safe Standards Poster
12 February 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
NAPLAN Testing
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests for Year 7 and 9 students are conducted by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) on behalf of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
As you may be aware, the NAPLAN Online tests will take place between Wednesday 12 March to Friday 14 March 2025 at the Companions Centre. Please see the Year 7 and 9 schedule below.
All students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN Online tests. Catch up tests will be available for individual students who are absent on test days on Monday 18 March and Tuesday 19 March. If your son or daughter is absent, please contact the Deputy Principals Office to arrange a catch-up test.
Exemptions may be granted to students with significant intellectual disabilities and to students who have been learning English for less than one year. If your child is eligible for support due to disability or exemption, you should discuss this with his/her teacher prior to the tests. Parental consent is required before any support due to disability or exemption is granted. Please contact the Head of Learning Diversity, Caroline Edmonds, to access this support.
Students may be withdrawn from NAPLAN by their parent or carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers. If you decide to withdraw your child, you must sign a student withdrawal form. Please contact the Deputy Principals Office to request a withdrawal form.
Later in the year, you will receive your child’s personal NAPLAN report. The report will describe your child’s particular skills in reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The report will also show how your child performed in relation to national minimum standards. These describe the minimum acceptable standards for students across Australia.
For more information about NAPLAN Online, please visit the VCAA website at or the NAP website at
Yours faithfully,
Bernadette Donnelly
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
2025 Online NAPLAN Schedule 12 – 14 March
All NAPLAN Online Tests will be conducted in the Companions Centre
Students need to bring their laptop and headphones (fully charged)
Laptops should be shut down/turned off and closed prior to entering the Companions Centre
Students should bring PENS/PENCILS, an ERASER and SHARPENER to each test in a clear plastic pocket
Students should bring a CALCULATOR test on Friday.
Dictionaries, pencil cases and rulers are NOT allowed
Year 7 and 9 students are to assemble outside the Companions Centre under the guidance of their Year Level Coordinator
Students will enter alphabetically
At the conclusion of each test students will be dismissed, collect their books from their lockers, and go to their timetabled classes.
All Year 7 and 9 students will complete their NAPLAN tests in the Companions Centre. Arrangements for NAPLAN testing are as follows:
Wednesday 12 March | Thursday 13 March | Friday 14 March | |
Year 7 | Periods 3 – 4 Writing 42 minutes | Periods 3 – 4 Reading 65 minutes Periods 5 – 6 Conventions of Language 45 minutes | Periods 1 – 2 Numeracy 65 minutes |
Year 9 | Periods 1 – 2 | Periods 1 – 2 | Periods 3 – 4 |
Writing 42 minutes | Conventions of Language 45 minutes | Numeracy 65 minutes | |
Periods 5 – 6 | |||
Reading 65 minutes |
Bishop Martin Ashe, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, will celebrate Mass at Holy Trinity Church, Queenscliff, on Sunday 2nd March at 11:00am to launch the Jubilee Year for pilgrims.. All are welcome to join the parish community for Mass and hospitality.
Originating in the United Kingdom, the Shrove Tuesday tradition dates back to about 1000 AD. and commemorates the day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. This was the day when Christians were encouraged to go to confession in preparation for the penitential season that would end 40 days and 40 nights later with Easter Sunday. The word ‘Shrove’ is the past tense of the English verb “Shrive” which means to obtain absolution for one’s sins by way of confession and by doing penance.
Over the years Shrove Tuesday not only became a day for Confession but a time for Catholics to feast on eggs, sugar and dairy which are traditionally restricted during the Lenten fast.
Often the best way to consume these would be to bake a cake or make pancakes. Hence, Shrove Tuesday became synonymous with making pancakes.
In modern times the baking of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, seems to have become another revenue opportunity for supermarkets who push the supply of pre-packaged pancake mixes in their catalogues leading up to the beginning of the Lenten season.
For the Catholic community, celebrating the pancake indulgence of Shrove Tuesday with family and friends heralds the more measured Lenten season. The 40 days of Lent gifts us contemplative time to recognise our blessings and enact actions and words of kindness, forgiveness, love and gratitude, leading to the transformative experience of easter.
This year, instead of selling pancakes at school we encourage families to continue OR start their own tradition of making and sharing pancakes with their loved ones at home. Take a snap of you making or eating pancakes together and send your happy snaps to Social Justice Coordinator, Mrs Sadler or Sarah Tolan, Student Justice Leader, to feature in our socials and our seasonal presentations.
Sarah’s email:
Mrs Sadler’s email:
Here’s some help to get you going!
My ‘Never Fail’ Pancake Recipe (Mrs Sadler)
¾ cup plain flour (sifted)
¾ cup self raising flour (sifted)
Pinch salt
Heaped teaspoon white sugar
Place all of thes in a mixing bowl and make a well in the centre then add…
1 egg (lightly beaten)
11/2 cups milk (skim is best)
Stir this with a wooden spoon or whisk until the mixture is smooth. Add a little cold water if it is a bit too gluggy.
Place a knob of butter and a dash of canola oil into a nice hot frying pan.
Spoon large spoonfuls of batter onto the pan allowing them to spread.
When bubbles appear in the batter, the pancakes are ready to flip.
Leave for a minute on the flip side and then remove on to a plate.
Serve warm with slices of banana, blueberries, Greek yoghurt and a sprinkle of honey - delicious!
Sing the song, purchase some delicious hot cross buns and support Caritas Australia! The '2025 Hot Cross Bun Drive' is back and with all 4 Senior Houses combining this year, it is bigger and better than ever!
Purchase a packet here -->
As always, Term 1 has started with a bang!
The Year 7 and 8 Our World connected curriculum is in full swing, with students exploring what it means to be Australian and Medieval History, respectively.
One of the most exciting new opportunities for students to consider will be offered to our current Year 10 cohort, students eagerly awaiting subject selection to choose subjects for their VCE or VCE VM pathways.
For the first time, in 2025, Year 10 students will have the opportunity to choose VCE Units 1 and 2 Accounting, commencing their study in 2026.
VCE Accounting has the reputation of being a tough subject that is easy to understand but challenging to master – perfect for students who love working with numbers and strive for the Magis!
This subject prepares students for a university or TAFE vocational study pathway to commerce, management and accounting, leading to careers in areas such as financial accounting, management accounting, forensic/investigative accounting, taxation, environmental accounting, management and corporate or personal financial planning. It is a prerequisite study for all students who intend to study accounting at major universities.
VCE Accounting will provide students with practical knowledge and skills to assist them in gaining employment, whether they choose to work for existing businesses or run their own.
We can’t wait for our students to take up this new opportunity!
Samantha Windmill | Humanities Learning Area Leader
Hello, my name is Owen McCoughtry and I am honoured to be the Saint Ignatius College Academic Captain for 2025.
On February 5th we celebrated the academic achievements of 2024 with our Academic Assembly held on site at the College. Zoe Walter opened the assembly beautifully, singing “On my Own” from Les Misérables, and supported by the talented Senior Choir.
It was a privilege to stand alongside Mr Exton, Ms Donnelly and the Leadership Team as we welcomed back the High Achievers of 2024, including the top 10 Students from each year level. The VCE students for 2024 were acknowledged and we all welcomed Year 12 students back to the College to celebrate their hard work and resilience in either achieving study scores of over 40 in individual subjects or a consolidated ATAR of over 90. It was great to have them back to recognise their achievements and hopefully inspire future students on their own academic journeys.
Evie Abbott was acknowledged as VCE VM Student of the year and spoke highly of the College’s support of her career pathway and study choice to pursue her passion of being an Electrician.
Catherine Anderson was acknowledged as the College’s VCE DUX student, with a score of 98.95. Catherine spoke warmly at the assembly, noting study habits that supported her throughout the years, but also acknowledging that everyone learns differently and encouraging students to find ways that work for them.
Fr Gerry introduced the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program, speaking of his personal experience with Kwong Lee and passion for assisting students in achieving their personal best. We congratulated Year 11 Student Harriet Stepto on her application and being successful in receiving this award.
Our 2025 College Captains concluded the assembly and reinforced the College theme of Dream. Discover. Do. Moving forward, I encourage all students to reflect on this as formal assessments begin. It is important to settle back into study habits and routines, to support and encourage your peers, and to reach out to our amazing teachers and college network for clarification if needed. My study advice is to do a little each day so your workload remains manageable and you don’t fall behind.
Wishing you all the best in the year ahead.
Owen McCoughtry
Academic Captain
It has been an impressive start to the year for the Arts department, with the announcement of the College’s upcoming musical production of Les Misérables, to be held in our very own MPC in late August.
Congratulations to everyone who put themselves out there for the auditions held over the past week. It’s always inspiring to see a range of students across all year levels put their hand up to be part of the production journey, whether on stage or behind it!
All students are grateful for the continued support from teachers across the College in making this production experience possible, and we look forward to starting rehearsals on the 17th of March.
Alongside the process of production auditions for our College musicians, the Music Department has started the year off strongly, offering private music lessons and public speaking coaching support. We also have a range of choirs and bands up and running, and eagerly look forward to more performances across the year from the talented performers at our College. If you are interested in any of these weekly activities, feel free to contact any of our friendly music teachers.
At the Academic Assembly, we were thrilled to hear that 2024 Alumna, Erica Payne, has been selected to perform VET Style 1- Lyrical at Top Class Dance 2025 at Melbourne Recital Centre. This is an amazing opportunity for Erica, and testament to her skill and dedication. Top Class is an annual concert series hosted by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), celebrating exceptional performances by VCE and VCE VET students from schools across Victoria. This year, 123 high-achieving students were invited to audition for Top Class Dance, with only 35 ultimately selected to perform. These outstanding dancers showcase the remarkable skill and creativity possible within the VCE curriculum. We all congratulate Erica and wish her all the very best!
Sienna Davidson | Art's Captain
Students in Year 10 Art Creative Practice have been learning about acrylic painting techniques, culminating with small realistic works of still life apple.
Colours wheels, monochromatic schemes, as well as grey scale mixing and blending techniques have all been trailed and explored prior to commencement of the still life’s.
The paintings will be finalised this week and displayed in the school main gallery.
Students in year 10 Dance have been working on a Collaborative Dance Project around this years Reconciliation theme: 'Bridging Now to Next'. Students have researched Indigenous History, culture, political and social issues and ongoing struggles for Indigenous rights. Students are working in small groups and collectively to choreograph a variety of Dance pieces around these themes to be presented as part of Reconciliation week and at our Performing Arts Evening in term 2. This Dance project is a great example of a cross curricular approach towards Dance, that fosters creative expression to educate and inspire others to reflect on society and make positive change.
Year 8 Music Term 1
In Term 1 and 2 this year, Year 8 students are learning to both play and socialise over music! Students such as myself have been practising on a range of contemporary instruments such as: electric guitar, drums, keyboard and bass guitar as well! They’ve have also had the chance to learn and practice on vocals as well. However, Students have also been able to write an album review, critiquing our favourite artists albums. We’ve learnt what it takes to make an album review, and how much depth goes into it. I personally have thoroughly enjoyed music so far this year and it has rapidly became one of my favourite subjects, as it’s both interesting and enjoyable.
Saint Ignatius College is delighted to announce that the 2025 keynote speaker for our International Women's Day Community Evening is author of the best-selling memoir 'The Uncaged Sky' which details the 804 days she spent as a political prisoner in Iran, and Middle Eastern politics and history expert, Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert.
This evening is always a highlight on our College Calendar, and attendees are encouraged to secure their tickets early via this link -->
Enjoy canapes and refreshments from 5.30pm, with the main address commencing at 6.30pm.
EASTER EGG HUNT | Let's get eggcited Saint Ignatius! The annual 'SICG Easter Egg Hunt' is back!
Join the College Community on Sunday March the 30th for all the fun of chocolate, faith, and community!
There are 2 hunts for families to enjoy, 'The Little Tackers Hunt,' and 'The Main Hunt.' Secure your tickets to the yummiest community event of the year here --> to the College PFA for their support of the 'SICG Easter Egg Hunt.'
Did you know that the '2025 SICG Car Raffle' is also drawn on this day?
Secure your tickets to the car raffle here -->
The Saint Ignatius College Parents and Friends Association is excited to present the '2025 Car Raffle!' With all proceeds going towards student resources, this is the raffle that you want to win!
Tickets are only $20 and can be purchased here -->
Raffle will be drawn on Sunday the 30th of March at 11am, 2025, winner will be notified via phone/email.
Thanks for your support of the College PFA, and best of luck with your tickets.Imagine yourself in the front seat of a red 2024 MG ZST VIBE.
We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of the inaugural 2025 PFA Car Raffle: